Spooky2 Remote is a device that allows for remote healing by applying soothing frequencies to a recipient’s DNA, regardless of their physical location. This concept is based on the theory of quantum entanglement, a phenomenon where two particles behave as though they are connected, even when separated by great distances. Albert Einstein famously referred to this as “spooky action at a distance.”
Experiments in quantum physics have demonstrated that when two photons are created simultaneously and then moved apart, an action performed on one photon instantaneously affects the other, with no time delay. Spooky2 Remote utilizes this principle by requiring only a DNA sample from the recipient to deliver its healing frequencies, eliminating the need for the person to be present during the treatment.
Treatments at
All remote treatments require the patient’s nail samples. Nail samples are usually effective for around one month. After one month, new samples need to be collected if treatment should be continued. Nail samples can be either collected during a visit or mailed in. In both cases, the nail samples need to be taped airtight.
Remote treatments are very gentle and mild. Most remote treatments require 3-12 months (or even longer) of treatment for any effects to be seen.
We currently have limited capacity for remote treatments, but are planning to invest in more remote devices.