A Rife machine is based on the pioneering work of Royal Raymond Rife, a scientist who lived in the early 20th century. Rife claimed that microorganisms, including those responsible for cancer, could be destroyed using specific frequencies. The machine named after him, therefore, generates these frequencies to target and disable harmful pathogens in the body.
No, a Rife machine does not harm normal body cells. Human cells operate at much higher frequencies than those produced by a Rife machine, so they do not resonate with its frequencies.
Researchers who have extensively used Rife machines over many years have not experienced any adverse effects. In fact, many early researchers from Rife’s era lived longer than the average lifespan for their generation.
It’s important to understand that more power does not necessarily mean better results. Precision is crucial because the targeted pathogens are microscopic and require only minimal power to be effectively disabled. Rife machines with high power outputs might pose a risk of harm.
When Rife machines eliminate germs, the cells containing these germs often burst open. This is beneficial because the germs can no longer multiply. However, any toxins within these cells are released into your body.
Using detox frequencies can have a similar effect. Over the years, our bodies accumulate toxins due to various factors. Detox frequencies help release these toxins into the bloodstream for removal.
Your body has natural mechanisms to eliminate these toxins, but the process takes time. During this period, you may experience symptoms such as flu-like conditions, heavy sweating and night sweats, fever with or without chills, headaches, malaise, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, joint and bone pain, and skin reactions like itching, flushing, and redness.
Do not be alarmed if you experience these symptoms. They indicate that the programs you are using are effective. Continue using the Spooky2 Rife Machine until your symptoms subside. You can take breaks for a day or two and resume treatment when you feel stronger. Shorter treatment sessions can also help reduce symptoms. Additionally, there are programs available to support your detox organs and ease the process.
Make sure to drink plenty of distilled water or lemon water daily to aid in detoxification. Just as your health issues developed over time, recovery will also take time. Gradually eliminating harmful microorganisms and toxins from your body is a process, but it is ultimately worthwhile.